
5 eAuction – Czechoslovak, Bohemian, Habsburg, European and Hungarian coins

We invite you to participate in our e-auction focused on Czechoslovak, Bohemian, Habsburg, European and Hungarian coins. The auction will run for 3 days. 

1. session – Monday 30. January at 18:00 and will include Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Europe, Bohemia and Austria-Hungary.

2. session – Tuesday 31. January at 18:00 and will include coins from the Habsburg – Leopold I.

3. session – Wednesday 1. February at 18:00 and will include coins from the Habsburg period 

Starting prices range from €1 to €2200 per item.

Please note that the buyers premium is 20%, but not less than 2€/Lot



Pešek Auctions
+420 736 422 512

Vladislav II. Jagellonsky, Prague Groschen 1471-1516, Kuttenberg, Hás. X.c/2|weakly strike, very rare, variant instead of GRATIA it is GRACIA (velmi vzácná opisová varianta GRACIA namísto GRATIA); aEF

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