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Příspěvky: 28
Registrován: 03 červen 2011, 23:14


Nový příspěvek od Uzivatel »

Dear sir,

I would like to ask you if you could help me to give more information about a coin found in Belgium/Netherlands.
For the moment, we can't find a match, only maybe a slight direction but this is way out of our region.

diameter = 14 mm
weight = 0,56 g
material = Ag

A colleague of mine with great knowledge about coins thought the solution could be found in Moravia but as I stated our knowledge is very small about coins of this part of Europe. Given the weight and the material we think it is a denar.

I hope you can help me with this or maybe connect me with specialists who are more at home with this kind of coins. My apologies for my bad English, I'm a native Dutch speaking Belgian.

Kind Regards and thanks in advance

H De Backer Zemst Belgium